Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Introducing the new "IT" girl!

Lillian Jane Moreau

She is such a good baby! The delivery was awesome. Started at 1:00p.m. and was done by 5:09p.m. One push and she flew into the world! FABULOUS! We are both doing great! More info to come!


The Five that Jive said...

Congratulations!! She's so beautiful...I'm glad that everything went so fast and so well. Get some rest:)
Lindsey J

kami @ nobiggie.net said...

Yay...Congrats to the Moreau Family! She is darling. So fun to have such an easy delivery!!

J♥M said...

I am so happy for you that she's here and the huge plus is that she's a great baby! Cute name! I hope that you're feeling a lot better! CONGRATULATIONS!

oneworld said...

What a beautiful name to go along with such a beautiful daughter!! Congratulations!! And may I add you look too good to have just delivered a baby-- such a great photo of you!!!

Tami said...

Congratulations! I've been checking your blog everyday for this update. Lilyan is beatiful! What else could she be? :) All your kids are gorgeous!

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations! What a cute baby. I'm also glad you picked that name!

Caitlin said...

Congratulations...what a beautiful baby. We are happy for you-wow didn't you just get married-it seems like only yesterday! Love from the Ross Family!

Scott and Megan said...

yippee! I have been waiting for this post...yippee she is here I love Lilyan...I do slightly feel ripped off that it's not Megan...j/k how beautiful! congrats...what a woman you are karen!!!

Requel said...

oh she is beautiful! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Good work! Glad all is well!

What a beautiful baby!

jessica rabbit said...

She is so freakin cute! Just like all the other adorable Moreau kids! Call me and I'll come hold her anytime you want to sleep. Seriously! =) love jess

TRICKY said...

You both are so beautiful!!!! She already looks like a Moreau!!! Get lot's of rest!

Rachel said...

Congratulations! What a sweet little girl! I'm so happy for you guys! I love you!

Rachel said...

and who has a baby is 4 hours and 9 minutes?!!!

Hopefam said...

Seh is gorgeous!! I have to admitt that I am glad that you named her Lillyen (I hope I spelled it right). I am glad that you are all doing well.

miller family said...

beautiful! congrats karen and family:)

Wendy said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful, just like her mama. I'm glad everything went so well.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a beautiful little angel! She's precious! Love the name too! And you look so gorgeous in the top picture! How do you look so good right after having a baby?!

Olsen's said...

I am so happy for you! I plan on visiting soon! SOF has just been crazy! If you need anything, please just call!

Christina said...

She is absolutely beautiful!!! Do you always look that amazing after a delivery? Hope that all is going well. We miss you guys.

marci said...

Congratulations! You are both GORGEOUS! I love her name! Good luck with everything!

Hannah Jones said...

Holy Moly! You and the baby look fabulous! I'm glad it all went well and fast and great!
I'm going tocome see you soon!